Scott Hill
Scott Hill is a West Australian Harness Racing Analyst who was born into the industry and has continued his involvement for over 30 years. Scott has honed his skills and ability to read races over this period and settled on Western Australia as his niche market, in particular Gloucester Park. Scott puts a high emphasis on “mapping” races and feels the racing at Gloucester Park is perfect for this model and his results reflect that. Whilst he is an avid harness racing enthusiast in general, it is the exciting racing that Gloucester Park in particular produces that has drawn him to focus on WA and it’s a formula that works. Finding winners has always been an enjoyment of Scott’s but being able to share them with others and enjoying great results as a result of many hours of analysis and replays makes it even more enjoyable.
Scott Hill provides analysis and suggested bets for WA harness meetings on Monday, Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday.